Go Beyond

Our sophisticated platform, experienced customer service representatives and highly skilled drivers respond swiftly to every customer's orders in any capacity.
Go beyond delivery

4 ways we go beyond...

Fast and reliable deliveries anywhere in Port Harcourt.

Rider for a day
Request for one of our riders to be assinged to you for a whole day. All for a very affordable premium cost.
Deliver Anywhere
You can now Request a delivery pick up to/from anywhere in Port Harcourt including Oyigbo.
Deliver Anything
We have cars and mini van options for more delicate or bulky deliveries
Our Subscriptions
Save more with our premium subscritpiton packages, suitable for every budget

Online Tracking

Track your deliveries across our web platform using our unique tracking software, in real-time.
Use app

Founded on the precepts of integrity, we are commited to ensuring stakeholders have the possibility of turning their logistics operation into a competive advantage as they partner with us. Our track records include door to door delivery, haulage and e-commerce services.

Head office

14 Woji Rd, G.R.A, Phase 2, Port Harcourt.

0704 445 5667, 0902 338 6404

Quick links

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